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作者: 段华伟(Hua-Wei Duan);王志伟(Zhi-Wei Wang);胡长鹰(Chang-Ying Hu)
刊名: 包裝工程
出版年: 2010
關鍵字: 呼吸商;选择性透过率;番石榴;气调包装;设计;respirator quotient;permselectivity;guava;modified atmosphere packaging;design
摘要: 为提高果蔬气调包装的工程化应用水平,根据相关理论公式,提取8个关键参数组成4对参数比例;以此为基础,开发了面向工程应用的”5+1”设计流程。以番石榴为例,设计了气调包装规格参数,分别采用实验和计算机数值模拟技术对包装内气体浓度变化进行了研究分析。结果表明,番石榴气调包装内能够形成并保持所设计的目标气体氛围,证明了所提方法的有效性。To improve the engineering application level of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) for fruits and vegetables, an engineering-oriented design procedure named ”5+1” was proposed, which was derived from four ratio pairs of eight critical parameters on the basis of related theoretical equations. Specification parameters of MAP were designed with example of guava fruit. The change of gas concentration in the MAP was investigated by using experiment and computer numerical simulation technology, respectively. Results showed that the target modified atmosphere inside guava MAP can be reached and maintained in an expected way, indicating the effectiveness of the MAP design method proposed.
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