摘要: 國內稻穀儲藏期間的長短會影響碾米加工後之白米品質,一般而言若是保存期間倉庫環境較差時,儲藏較久之舊米米質會下降。為了因應低價的進口稻米,勢必會有市售米摻雜新舊米來降低成本的手段出現,確有必要研發檢測稻米新鮮度的方法與設備。本計劃所開發出的螢光稻穀新鮮度檢測系統可以快速地檢定稻米的新鮮度,並可以運用在稻米各項生產環節上,達到品質把關的目的。除了提供相關糧政單位於抽查時方便使用,該檢測設備亦可委由廠商生產外銷。The rice quality will deteriorate as the storage period extends. Some rice dealers sell the rice labled with newly harvested rice by mixing new rice with some aged rice to reduce their producing cost. The objective of this study is to adopt fluorescence method to detect the rice freshness in rice market. The detective system developed in this study will be recommended for local rice milling industry and for export market. |