摘要: 在中部番石榴主要生產區彰化縣溪州鄉,設置試驗果園探討化學肥料配合有機質資材對番石榴果實品質與土壤肥力之影響。進行六種肥料處理分別為(1)推荐施肥量、(2)增倍推荐施肥量、(3)複合肥料、(4)複合肥料加鎂肥、(5)複合肥料加鎂肥及米糠與(6)農民慣用對照。99年度肥料處理後50天果實品質調查結果顯示,增培推薦施肥量可提高番石榴果實重量,果肉可溶性固形物(糖度)調查結果顯示,增倍推薦施肥量區之肥料處理後160天可提高番石榴果肉可溶性固形物。對土壤肥力影響,增施磷與鉀肥可明顯增加土壤磷與鉀養分濃度,對植體與果肉養分濃度影響,增施三要素肥料具有提高葉片氮與磷濃度趨勢,但增施三要素肥料則沒有提高果肉氮磷與鉀濃度表現。Our objective in this study is in order to establish the optimization of fertilization management of guava.this experiment is conducted in guava orchard at Changhwa country Shijou Township.There are six treatments in experiment, (1)recommend, (2)double recommend, (3)compound fertilizer, (4)compound fertilizer + Mg, (5)compound fertilizer + Mg +rice bran,(6) check, There is significant difference in fruit weight fruit length and fruit diameter. There is no significant difference of plant analysis of guava leaf in N, P and K. There is significant difference in Fruit flesh Nutrient concentration of guava in N, P and K. |