摘要: 為評估番石榴於設施內生產之效益,本研究搭設16目針織網簡易網室,以5-6年生之珍珠拔品種供試。本年度將持續蒐集網室內微氣候資料,調查番石榴的生長發育、果實品質、產量、病蟲害情形與防治方法及夏季防風效果,作為實際栽培之參考依據,並建立一套設施栽培的管理模式。For evaluation the benefits of guava production in facility, a net house was built in 2.6 m height with 16 mesh net covering and five to six years old guava are observed in this study. Microclimate data, development, yield, fruit quality, windproof effect, pest, disease and preventive methods will be investigated in this year. According to these data, the model of guava production in facility will be estimated. |