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計畫名稱: 熱帶果樹研究團隊-建構番石榴生產管理知識之整合服務系統
計畫主持人: 謝美蓮
計畫編號: 100農科-6.1.3-高-K1
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 行政院農業委員會高雄區農業改良場
全程計畫年: 2011
關鍵字: 作物栽培管理;番石榴;優質生產;知識整合系統;知識庫;動態資訊;Crop cultural management;Guava;high-quality production;knowledge integrated system;knowledge base;dynamic information
摘要: 作物栽培管理決策必須綜合品種、土壤、氣象、地理、生態等動態即時性的整合資訊,才能實現高產、優質、高效的生產目標。為發展我國番石榴優質生產知識整合系統,本計畫將與農業試驗所及區域改良場共同合作,調查收集在地的番石榴生產動態性資訊,以建置番石榴栽培管理知識庫。透過所建立的單一窗口之知識整合平台,讓番石榴生產者和推廣輔導員都能快速、便利且正確地獲取品種選擇、生產知識、合理化施肥、病蟲害診斷防治、氣象災害預警防範等的整合型優質資訊,並建立番石榴栽培作業曆。Farming decisions require integrated knowledge of dynamic information related to variety, soil, climate, geography and ecology for achieving high yield, good quality, and high efficiency of crop production. The object of this project is to collect local dynamic information and establish a knowledge base of guava cultural management for developing high-quality guava production knowledge integrated system via cooperation with Agricultural Research Institute. This single-window system can provide guava farmers and extensionists with quick and easy access to integrated information of variety selection, production knowledge, suitable fertilizer, disease/pest diagnosis as well as climate-damage prediction and early warning, and establishes the guava cultivation work experience.
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