摘要: 本計畫為加強臺東地區果樹生產技術與品質改進,針對轄區內經濟果樹之育種及栽培技術進行相關試驗研究,包括番荔枝育種、鳳梨釋迦花粉儲藏方法、鳳梨釋迦果皮褐化調查、臍橙降低乾米技術、紅龍果套袋試驗等,期能運用番荔枝育種與臍橙栽培技術,提升並穩定番荔枝與臍橙之產量與品質,以供農友利用並確保農民收益。The purpose of this study is improvement of economical fruit breeding and cultivated technology in Taitung region. The research includes hybrid approach to breeding superior varieties, Annona pollen storage, atemoya fruit prevent browning, Navel fruit prevent granulation, different bagging material for pitaya etc. Using breeding and cultivated technologies stabilize yield and enhance quality of Annona and navel. The producer can apply it to ensure the income. |