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計畫名稱: 氣候變遷對番荔枝有害生物之影響及防治策略因應
計畫主持人: 許育慈
共同計畫主持人: 江淑雯
計畫編號: 100農科-9.1.2-東-E1
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 農委會台東區農業改良場作物環境課
全程計畫年: 2011
關鍵字: 葉蟎;番荔枝;粉介殼蟲;果實品質;spider mites;sugar apple;mealy bug;fruit quality
摘要: 建立臺東地區危害番荔枝蟎類種類及其生態資料,提供監測防治參考資訊;掌握因氣候變遷造成之番荔枝蟎棲群動態等生態條件之改變,研擬出因應現況適當調整害物綜合管理之策略。此外,針對危害果實品質嚴重的太平洋臀紋粉介殼蟲(Planococcus minor),篩選防治藥劑,選定施用防治藥劑的最佳時機;配合田間螞蟻防治,同時開發採後處理技術。建立節能減碳的栽培管理技術,以達防治病蟲害的目標,減低對化學農藥、肥料的依賴,進而改善生態環境,維護國人之健康。In this study, we will investigate the species of tetranychid spider mites on suger apple, to know how many species, and the rise and fall and the population dynamics in the year in Taitung. To get over the spider mites population dynamics and ecological information, caused by climate change, and develop the integrated pest management strategy. In addition, the mealy bugs (Planococcus minor) are also a kind of serious inset pests on sugar apple, in order to resolve the problem, we will screen insecticides, and select the best timing for application of insecticides. Furthermore we also control the ants in field and to develop post-harvest processing technology. Try to establish the safety guide model, lower the pesticides quantity and pesticides use reasonable.
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