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計畫名稱: 省工農業機械之開發
計畫主持人: 張光華
共同計畫主持人: 曾鉅翔;黃國祥;潘光月;郭東禎;劉天麟;林宜緯;王豐政;葉仲基;黃政龍;黃惟揚;李健;田雲生;邱相文;謝廣文;郭秉寰;李榮茂;劉仁俊;楊美珠;蘇彥碩
計畫編號: 110農科-4.5.1-子-V1
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 行政院農業委員會花蓮區農業改良場作物環境課
全程計畫年: 2021
關鍵字: 農業機械;自動化;省工機械;Agricultural Machinery;Automation;Labor-saving machinery
摘要: 本計畫由各區農業改良場研究人員依據鄉鎮產業輔導經驗,擇訂急需導入機械輔助人力的農事作業提出研發項目,針對作物栽培過程人力短缺的問題,擬開發13項農機具應對,其中包含,龍眼脫粒機能減少人工脫粒損傷,有利運銷、儲藏及加工增加市售競爭力;鳳梨苗裁剪機能縮短修剪時間提高鳳梨收成的品質;殘枝處理機可將殘枝粉碎省工兼具環保,預估節省人工800人天;青蔥次氯酸水淨洗機可減少清洗過程之汙染,輕便可移動適合小規模產業利用;蕹菜插植採割機可提升插植及採割集攏作業效率6~10倍;野蓮種植機可舒緩勞力短缺困擾;文旦精油蒐集機可提高精油原液提取率,以緩解文旦格外品加工困難;茶葉自動萎凋攪拌機可將萎凋作業無人化,搭配監控系統以穩定茶菁萎凋品質。開發外米綴蛾繁殖收集機以提高寄生蜂片生產效率並強化生物防治技術;塑膠布回收機可提升回收效率,並解決塑膠布棄置的環境問題;附掛式果園割草裝置可降低設備成本以利推廣草生栽培;開發稻草鋪平機械以提升稻草回收利用率,減少稻草露天燃燒的問題,促進農業剩餘資材循環使用;電動畦間採收輔助搬運與電動施肥機械可提高效率或節省工時達20%以上,減輕生產者辛勞。農業機械化及自動化可有效紓緩人力不足困境、提高生產效率與品質、減輕人員辛勞、降低產銷成本。除此之外另有5項研究結合跨領域科技,讓農業機械發展再升級,包含以四軸飛行器作為遙測載具檢測作物生長資訊、利用深度學習增加水果分級效率、電腦模擬建立高空作業車的安全姿態模型、精準防治鳥害以及自動萎凋攪拌系統之開發;以及1項研訂農機測定方法及暫行基準,提供農民購置新型農機之參考,進而提昇國產農機之作業性能、安全性、產品品質與競爭力。In this project, researchers from the Agricultural Research and Extension Station in various districts, based on the counseling experience, select agricultural operations that urgently require the introduction of mechanical assistance manpower to propose the projects. Aiming at the problem of manpower shortage in the cultivation process, it is planned to develop 13 agricultural machinery to deal with, including:“Longan thresher” could reduce the damage of the fruit and facilitate transportation, storage and processing, increasing market competitiveness. “Pineapple seedlings cutting machine” could short the time of cutting seedlings and the quality of the pineapple harvest would be better. The chopping machian for residual crop branches could achieve the benefits of labor saving and environmental protection, It is expected to save 800 man-days. The shallot sterilization and washing machine could reduce pollution in the cleaning process, and it is light to be suitable for small-scale industrial use. The transplanting and reaping water spinach machine could promote the efficiency for about 6~10 times are expected. The white snowflake planting machine can solve the problem of agricultural growing shortage. A collection device for Pomelo essential oils is good at dealing with unsalable products, improving the rate of obtaining essential oils. Automatic tea withering mixing machine let the process of withering unmanned. With monitoring system could stabilize the quality of tea withering. Develop a semi-automatic machine with the function of feeding and collecting Corcyra cephalonica. In order to improve the production efficiency of parasitic bee tablets and strengthen the development of biological control technology to assist the industry. Mulched Plastic Film Remover is to improve the efficiency of plastic film recycling and solve the problem of plastic film disposal in the field. The attached orchard mowing device could reduce cost of equipment and good to promote the grassy cultivation. The development of straw paving machinery can reduce the problem of straw burning in the open air, promote the recycling of agricultural surplus materials. Electric Transporter for harvesting and fertilizing used in Row-Crop Fields is expected to improve efficiency by more than 20%, and at the same time reduce the producer's hard work. Agricultural mechanization and automation can effectively alleviate the dilemma of manpower shortage, improve production efficiency and quality, reduce labor and reduce production and sales costs. In addition, there are five other studies that combine cross-field technology to further upgrade the development of agricultural machinery. Including using Quadrotor for sensing the crop growing status, using deep learning for greatly increasing the efficiency of fruit grading, building safe attitude modal for electric tracked aerial work vehicle in orchard operation with computer, precising control of bird damage and developing automatic tea withering mixing system. Establish the national standards or other provisional standards. Provide a reference for farmers to purchase new agricultural machinery, and go any further improve the performance, safety, product quality and competitiveness of domestic agricultural machinery.
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