摘要: 茶是臺灣重要的經濟作物,所生產的茶種包括綠茶、紅茶和烏龍茶,其中又以烏龍茶馳名世界。為促成茶商與契作茶農建立「智農聯盟」的合作夥伴關係,本計畫擬於2年研究期程中就(1)開發可以偵測茶菁品質與產量空間變異分布的遙測技術,以及繪製契作茶園精準肥培管理組圖,協助茶農生產品質均一的茶菁;(2)開發可以依據茶樹品種和氣象觀測資料,推估最適採摘日期的統計預測模式,以有效協助茶商/茶農調配不同茶園茶菁採摘時程和採茶工人力;(3)研發茶園病蟲害發生密度預測模式和非農藥病蟲害防治技術,以保障消費者健康,並提升品牌的知名度和售價等3項關鍵技術進行研發。預期可以達成維持品牌茶葉風味的穩定性與供貨量,提升消費者信心和購買意願,擴大臺灣茶葉國際市場通路,以及增加並穩定茶農收益等效益。 Tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) is an important economic crop in Taiwan. Green tea, black tea and Oolong tea are major types of teas produced in Taiwan. Among them, Oolong tea is best known to the world. In order to facilitate the formation of smart alliances between tea merchants and contract tea farmers, this 2-year project intents to develop three key technologies: (1) mapping spatiotemporal variations of growth within tea plantations by remote sensing techniques, and producing site-specific nutrient management maps for contract plantations to stabilize the quality of plucked new shoots; (2) statistic models for predicting best harvesting date based on varieties and weather records to assist adjustments of labors and equipments during the period of new shoots plucking; (3) pesticide-free cultivation practices to protect consumers’ health, raise brands’ reputation and market prices. It is believed that this project has the potential to maintain a stable supply of good quality raw materials for making brand name teas, to raise consumers’ confidence and buying intentions, expand international trade of Taiwan teas, and increase tea farmers' incomes. |