題名 | ICAR-CISH 2016-17年度報告 |
作者 | 無 |
摘要 | 這份年度報告聚焦於印度的芒果與番石榴在作物改良與生物技術,作物生產,作物保護及採收後管理方面的研究成果。以及介紹了有關技術評估與移轉,人力資源發展與諮詢,專利與商品化技術等方面的資訊。 |
英文摘要 | This annual report focuses on the research achievements in crop improvement and biotechnology, crop production, crop protection and postharvest management of mango and guava crops in India.Information on technology assessment and transfer, human resource development and consultancy, patents and commercialization technologies, among others, are also presented. |
出處 | ICAR-CISH Annual Report, 2016-17 |
網址 | https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/20183260386 |