計畫名稱: 鮮食鳳梨果實品質與貯運能力之改進 |
計畫主持人: 石郁琴 |
共同計畫主持人: |
計畫編號: 95農科-1.3.2-南-N1(3) |
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會 |
計畫執行機構: 台南區農業改良場作物改良課 |
全程計畫年: 2006 |
關鍵字: 鳳梨; NAA; 果實品質; 貯運能力; 鈣;Pineapple; NAA; Fruit Quality; Storage Ability; Calcium |
摘要: 本研究探討鳳梨果實發育期間噴施生長調節劑NAA對果實品質及貯藏能力之影響,期能建立合理之處理時期與濃度,以供農民參考。另經由噴施鈣肥增加果實內鈣含量以降低果實劣變的發生率,並探討生長調節劑、果實內鈣濃度及氣溫與果實品質、貯藏力之關係。本試驗於秋季定植台農17號、台農19號植株,於定植後ㄧ年催花。分別於催花後2個月及催花後4個月噴施不同濃度之NAA。待果實成熟後採收調查品質,並於10℃及15℃下貯藏不同週數後,取出調查果實品質變化及生理劣變發生率。噴施鈣肥則於催花後4個月施用250ppm及500ppm氯化鈣於果實上,採收成熟果實並貯藏後進行品質調查。The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of NAA on pineapple fruit, including fruit quality and storage ability. And we hope to establish a reasonable application time and concentration of NAA on pineapple. The experiment also investigates the effect of supplying calcium fertilizer on mineral nutrients concentrations of fruit and physiological disorder of pineapple. The experimental plantlets, Tainung 17 and Tainung 19, will be planted in fall, and will be treated with 250ppm and 500ppm calcium carbride solution at forcing 4 months later . Different concentrations of NAA will be supplied on fruit at two developmental stages: 2 months and 4 months after forcing. The mature pineapple fruit will be analysed the quality. Moreover, the changes of quality and the ratio of disordered fruit will be investigated after stored at for 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks in 10℃and 15℃.The mature fruit will be harvested and stored at conditions as above to investigate the fruit quality and storage ability. |
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