作者: 郭婉秋(Wan-Chiu Kuo);柯立祥(Lih-Shang Ke) |
刊名: 臺灣園藝 |
期刊所屬國別: |
出版年: 2006 |
關鍵字: 番石榴;熱處理;寒害;腐爛;guava Psidium guajava L.;heat treatment;chilling injury;decay |
摘要: 本研究目的在探討貯藏前熱水處理(46℃,8、12和16秒及48℃, 8及12秒)對‘珍珠拔’及‘水晶拔’番石榴果實,採收後生理、品質及貯藏壽命之影響。結果顯示,‘珍珠拔’及‘水晶拔’番石榴果實在貯藏(5℃及10℃)期間之呼吸率,不論熱處理與否,均呈緩慢增加之趨勢,而以10℃貯藏者之呼吸率較5℃貯藏者增加更爲明顯。但在乙烯產生率方面,兩品種在整各貯藏(5℃及10℃)期間之變化不大,均呈典型非更年性果實之特性。而貯藏前熱水處理似有提高呼吸率及抑制乙烯產生率之趨勢,惟其影響,因品種、處理溫度、處理時間及熱處理後之貯藏溫度而有差異。貯藏前無熱水處理之番石榴果實,其果實硬度及脆度較熱處理之果實低,而果實可溶性固形物含量、可滴定酸、果實pH值及維生素C含量,則不受熱水處理之影響。但未經熱水處理之果實於貯藏期間,其果皮顏色轉黃較經熱水處理之果實快。此外,貯藏前熱水處理可延緩及減輕番石榴果實在貯藏(5℃)期間之寒害及腐爛(5℃及10℃)發生,而延長果實之貯藏壽命。The effect of prestorage hot water treatments (8、12 and 16 sec. at 46℃ and 8 and 12 sec. at 48℃) on the post-harvest physiology, quality and storage life of guava fruit (Psidium guajava L.) cv. 'Jen-Ju Bar' and 'Shui-Jing Bar' were investigated. Results showed that the respiration rate of 'Jen-Ju Bar' and 'Shui-Jing Bar' guava fruits were increase slowly during storage at 5℃ and 10℃, regardless of heat treatment or not, and respiration rate stored at 10℃ were higher clearly than those of at 5℃. But the ethylene production rates of these two cultivars were no significantly changed during storage (5℃ and 10℃), and exhibited a typical non-climacteric fruit pattern. Prestorage-heat treated of guava fruits seem to enhance respiration rate and inhibit ethylene production rate. However, the effect of prestorage heat treatments on respiration and ethylene production varied with cultivars, temperatures, durations and storage temperature after heat treatments. Regarding effects of prestorage heat treatment on the quality of guava fruits, the fruit firmness and crispness of nonheated guava fruits were lower than those of hot water dipped fruits. However, prestorage hot water treatment did not affect total soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH value and Vit. C of the fruits. The peel color of nonheated fruits turned yellowing faster than those of hot water treated fruits under the storage conditions used. Moreover, prestorage hot water treatments of guava fruits could delay and alleviate chilling injury at 5℃ and decay incidence at 5℃ and 10℃, and extend their storage life. |
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