計畫名稱: 番荔枝育種---實生品系選拔 |
計畫主持人: 楊正山 |
共同計畫主持人: |
計畫編號: 92農科-1.1.2-東-E1(1) |
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會 |
計畫執行機構: 行政院農業委員會台東區農業改良場 |
全程計畫年: 2003 |
關鍵字: 番荔枝;鳳梨釋迦;育種;實生選種;Sugar Apple;Atemoya;Breeding;Seeding Selection |
摘要: 市場上,番荔枝果實重量為出售時價格主要判斷之依據,選別上以果實愈大,重量愈重者可售得高價,基於市場需求及農民收益考量,選拔大果、園藝性狀良好及產量穩定為主要選種目標,以突破產業經營瓶頸.為尋求解決鳳梨釋迦採收後裂果,致無商品與食用價值,本計畫施行以鳳梨釋迦之母本,即番荔枝(軟枝種)與鳳梨釋迦進行回交育種方式,進行採後不裂果之後裔篩選,以解決鳳梨釋迦產業困境。Market price will depend on the fruit weight of sugar apple with the bigger the price. Based on the marketing requirement and profit consideration for farmers. To select sugar apple varieties with superior horticultural characteristics with larger and stable wields is the main tasget for breaking through the plight of industrial management. For salving the fruit splitting of atemoya after harvesting which will cause the fruits without commercial values, the objective of this study is to back-cross breed sugar apple (Tender variety) with atemoya(female parent) and to select the off spring without fruit splitting post-harvested for solving the industrial plight of atemoya. |
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