計畫名稱: 番石榴外銷核心技術整合及加值運用 |
計畫主持人: 林慧玲 |
計畫編號: 103農科-4.1.2-科-a1 |
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會 |
計畫執行機構: 國立中興大學園藝學系(所) |
全程計畫年: 2014 |
關鍵字: 耐熱性;亞硝酸鹽清除力;氣變包裝;品種鑑定;簡單重複序列;寒害;遮陰;葉綠素螢光反應;番石榴;heat tolerance;nitrite scavenging ability;modified atmosphere packaging;cultivar identification;simple sequence repeat;chilling injury;shading;chlorophyll fluorescence;guava |
摘要: 番石榴可週年生產,深具外銷潛力之果品,且其營養價值豐富,富含維他命C及礦物質,亞硝酸清除能力、抗氧化物質及抗氧化能力高,為保健水果,未來可躍升及行銷國際市場,但仍存在有待改進之產業問題:1. 夏季高溫盛產期果實品質不佳不易貯運保鮮。2. 秋冬季果實品質佳,但產量及供貨不穩。本計畫欲解決上述產業問題,擬訂下列改善策略:1. 利用網室遮陰、控稍、整枝修剪、限制根域、留果數及改變套袋材質,配合合理化施肥以改進夏果果實糖度低、易軟化及不耐低溫貯運之問題之關鍵技術開發。2. 建立番石榴果實營養成份,及消費者教育以行銷國際市場。3. 低溫檢疫技術及外銷貯運保鮮包裝技術改進,已達外銷不同目標國之需求。包含果實最適成熟度、預冷方法、開發外銷外包裝及果實氣變包裝方法、最適貯運及櫥架溫度。4. 應用分子標記提升品種選育效率,並開發具外銷潛力之優質番石榴品系。包含多元化品種開發,優良品系進行繁植及培育及新開發SSR分子標記進行基因型鑑定及親緣關係分析。採前改善果實品質及優質品種選育,配合採收後保鮮貯運技術,改進整合及加值運用,可成功將台灣番石榴行銷國際市場。‘Jen-Ju Ba’ guava (Psidium guajava L.) is currently the most widely planted cultivar for fresh consumption and export in Taiwan. Poor fruit quality in summer season and high quality and unstable yield in winter season has been reported as the major production constraint; however, the mechanism caused is unclear and the practical trial for improvement this problem is still unavailable. The purpose of this study is to establish the improvement strategies as follow 1. Field cultivation practice: include overhead shading, root restriction ,increasing the photosynthesis efficiency,pruning, bagging and standarlize fertilization model in guava orchard through diagnosis by leaf and soil analytical methods to increase the fruit quality, transport and storage life in summer . 2. Establish the healthy nutrient information of guava fruit for extension to international market. 3. Set up the quarantine treatment , export process and preservation postharvest technology: include the optimal precooling, package, MA package, trsport ,storage and shelf temperature. 4. The importance of molecular markers in genotype fingerprinting, SSR markers published and/or newly developed will be used for cultivar identification and relationship analysis. In addition, diversified development, genotype will be propagated and planted for cultivated trait. Improving fruit quality before harvest and choose good quality, and improving and integrating preservation postharvest technology will sell Taiwan guava to international market in success. |
共同計畫主持人: 吳俊達;張哲嘉;陳幼光 |
資源連結: 前往查看 |