計畫名稱: 熱帶果樹研究團隊---番石榴穩定生產技術之建立 |
計畫主持人: 黃明雅 |
共同計畫主持人: |
計畫編號: 99農科-4.2.2-高-K6(1) |
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會 |
計畫執行機構: 農委會高雄區農業改良場作物改良課 |
全程計畫年: 2010 |
關鍵字: 果實品質;鈣處理;番石榴;植物生長調節劑;減氮;果肉硬度;fruit quality;calcium treatment;guava;plant growth regulator;redeced nitrogen;flesh firmness |
摘要: 先前研究已調查不同月份修剪番石榴的修剪後抽梢、開花及結果時程,並分析果實重量、糖度、酸度、果肉厚度及硬度等性狀。藉此瞭解不同季節修剪之生育狀況及果實品質,以及不同產期果實可能會遇到的氣候風險。今年度的研究將希望提升果實鈣含量以解決夏季果實軟化的問題。In our former research, shooting and flowering time and fruit setting duration of different production times were estimated after the trees had been trained every two months. Fruits characteristics of weight, soluble solides content, acitidy, thickness and hardness of flesh were also measured. Therefore, we had unederstood shoot growth situateion, fruit quality and possible climatic risks would bee meet in different production seasons. Our research, this year, are going to resolve guava softing problem in summer by rising fruits calcium concentrateion. |
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