作者: 葉宗仁;劉黃碧圓;蔡智賢;李堂察;Yeh, Tzong-ren;Liu Huang, Pi-yuan;Tsay, Jyh-shyan;Lee, Tan-cha |
刊名: 中國園藝 |
期刊所屬國別: |
出版年: 2004 |
關鍵字: 火鶴切花;葉綠素含量;光合作用速率;瓶插壽命;Cut anthurium;Chlorophyll content;Photosynthetic rate;Vase life |
摘要: 本試驗以‘Sultana’、‘Tropical’、‘Fantasia’和‘Pistache’等四個火鶴切花商業栽培品種為試驗材料,探討佛焰苞光合速率對切花瓶插壽命之影響。四個火鶴花品種中以‘Pistache’的瓶插壽命最長,‘Sultana’次之,‘Tropical’和‘Fantasia’較短。切花佛焰苞葉綠素含量以‘Pistache’較高,‘Sultana’次之,‘Tropical’和‘Fantasia’較低。於25±2℃下瓶插期間佛焰苞光合速率亦以‘Pistache’和‘Sultana’較高,且於光照下均能顯著的延長四個切花品種的瓶插壽命;此結果顯示,火鶴切花佛焰苞葉綠素含量與光合作用速率高之品種其瓶插壽命較長。The effects of chlorophyll content and posthavest photosynthetic rate of spathes on the vase life of Sultana’,‘Tropical’,‘Fantasia’and‘Pistache’ Anthurium andraeanum Lind. cut flowers were studied. Anthurium flowers of ‘Pistache’had the best vase life, followed by‘ Sultana’, Both ‘Tropical’and ‘Fantasia’had a poor vase life. The spathes of ‘Pistache’flowers had higher chlorophyll contents than that of ‘ Sultana’, ‘Tropical’and ‘Fantasia’. The spathes of ‘Pistache’and ‘ Sultana’had higher photosynthetic rate in the vase at 25±2℃. Light significantly increased the vase life of four cultivars of these four cut Anthurium flowers. The results showed that chlorophyll contents in the spathes and photosynthetic capacity of flowers were closely related to the vase life. |
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